Leena Kaisa Halme "Jääpuikkoja" a Finnish Ryijy Rug for
Suomen Käsityön Ystävät (The Friends of Finnish Handicraft).
This classic Ryiji ( Rya in Sweden ) titled “Icicles” was
designed in 1961, with this example was hand woven in 1980.
Ryijy or Rya rugs have been woven in the Scandinavian countries
since the 9th century.
In the 20th century The Friends of Finnish Handicraft were producing
designs by architects, artists and designers such as Eliel Saarinen
(1873-1950), Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865–1931) and Timo Sarpaneva
Many of the late 20th Century Ryiji Rugs were designed as art works
to be hung on the wall (as was this piece) which is in great