Timo Sarpaneva For Rosenthal c1976 A Suomi Teapot, Coffee
Pot, Creamer and Sugar Bowl. The Suomi range of porcelain is
beautiful in shape and was awarded the gold medal of Faenza, the
highest award in the world of porcelain, a true classic piece of
Timo Sarpaneva (1926 - 2006) was one of Finland’s most prominent
designers of the 20th Century and the recipient of numerous awards,
he remains an influential figure in the world of design
This set is in wonderful condition.
- Creamer and lid: H. 9.2cm
| Sugar bowl and lid: H. 9cm | Teapot: H. 16.3cm | Coffee pot: H.
- Facsimile signature to top of
teapot and coffee pot, Maker’s marks to base
- Very good condition
- £Sold
- Please Quote REF Timo Sarpaneva
For Rosenthal
- christian@20decoarts.com
- Christian's