Irma Kukkasjärvi (1941-2011) "Nunnu" a Finnish Ryiji Rug for
This beautiful abstract design Ryiji ( Rya in Sweden) titled
“Cute” was designed and handwoven in the last quarter of the 20th
century .
Ryijy or Rya rugs have been woven in the Scandinavian countries
since the 9th century.
Ryijy or Rya rugs have been woven in the Scandinavian countries
since the 9th century, Ryijypalvelu was a development of The War
Wholesalers' Wholesale and Retail Business Association (So-Ve-La)
which was founded in 1950 and is now the main company for the more
vibrant Ryijys having contracts with many contemporary Finnish
artists and designers.
Many of the late 20th Century Ryiji Rugs were designed as art works
to be hung on the wall (as was this piece) which is in great