Theodor Fahrner Jewellery -
During those two great periods of style, Art Nouveau and
Art Deco, Theodor Fahrner of Pforzheim was one of the most
interesting and innovative jewellery producers in Europe.
Theodor Fahrner Jr. was one of the first jewellery
manufacturers in Germany and at the end of the 19th
Century he commissioned free-lance artists to create
modern jewellery designs, with artists from the most
important centres of Munich, Darmstadt, Stuttgart and
Dresden willing to collaborate with him.
The successful result was the
prominence of his Art Nouveau and Jugendstil "designer
jewellery" in the first decade of the 20th Century.
After his death in 1919 his successor
Gustav Braendle took over the firm whilst retaining the
name of "Fahrnerschmuck" (Fahrner Jewellery).
In the 1920s and 1930s extravagant
jewellery in the international Art Deco style was produced
with designers such as the Viennese painter Anton KIing
defining the style of "Fahrner Artist Jewellery" with
their creations.
In the 1960s and 1970s the firm
continuing creating jewellery in both traditional and the
"modern" style with the firm finally closing it's doors in