Demétre Chiparus - A rare Art Deco bronze sculpture bust,
France circa 1925 "Serenity", the gilded bronze female bust
mounted on a substantial Belgian black marble base.
This is a very rare bust by Chiparus because they were more
usually made of terracotta (the terracotta version is shown on
page 255 of the book "Chiparus - Master of Art Deco" by Alberto
Shayo) and not in bronze and marble.
Filled chips to the marble base. Demétre Chiparus (1886 - 1947)
Born in Dorohoi, Romania, Chiparus left Romania 1909 and went to
Italy, where he attended the classes of Italian sculptor Raffaello
Romanelli. In 1912 he traveled to Paris to attend the École des
Beaux Arts and studied under Antonin Mercié and Jean Boucher,
exhibiting at the Salon from 1914. His works in the 1920s were
heavily influenced by the excavation of the tombs in Egypt and the
Ballet Russe. He worked in bronze, ivory, ceramic and spelter and
he is now considered one of the most important (and well known) of
the sculptors associated with the Art Deco era.